“I completed my HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection qualification in mid-2017. Before enrolling, I researched for days on the internet and LTT seemed to offer the most comprehensive training and had good testimonials from previous students. At the time I was a warehouse manager but had always worked in the retail sector in one form or another.
The course was more in-depth than I expected but necessarily so, as I had no background in the health field at all. The course was very easy to understand, thorough and interesting. My favourite aspect of the course was learning to bleed fellow students. Training with LTT certainly prepared me to start in a completely new field with confidence. ”
“After I completed my work placement there weren’t any positions available at the time, but I kept in contact with the Clinipath Area Coordinator in my area every few weeks. A casual position became available and was offered to me, I took the opportunity straight away even though I was after full-time work.
I started as a casual relief Pathology Collector for Clinipath in September 2017. In December 2017 the Area Coordinator asked if I would be interested in being a Domiciliary Collector. I started this position in February 2018 to cover someone’s maternity leave. This was a wonderful opportunity as I learned so much more and became a better bleeder.
A position became available at Osborne Park to do bookings for home visits and I was fortunate to be offered this position after applying for it. I used the experience I had gained doing home visits and the practical knowledge I had gained on the road, and put it to use organising the daily domiciliary runs for our eight Domiciliary Collectors. I also continued learning so much about the whole process involved in providing pathology so when a temporary position became available as a Patient Services Admin Assistant in 2019, I applied and was successful. Again, I continued learning and put my hand up to be involved wherever I could and to learn whatever I could. In April 2020 the 2IC to the Area Coordinator position became available which I originally took on in a temporary capacity, but that has since changed to a permanent position with continued learning.
My daily tasks involve: • assisting the Area Coordinator with rosters for our area collectors • ordering stores for our collection centres • assisting with queries from collectors • setting up new collection centres • keeping up with any current changes • training of new staff and refresher training for existing staff • assisting with difficult bleeds and, • everything involved with keeping things running smoothly in our area.
It has been hectic being involved in the pathology industry during COVID-19, however it has also been a huge learning curve and as things have been changing often daily it has kept us on our toes. We have been able to react swiftly to any changes required and it could never be said to be dull.”
— Debbie, HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection student