“I trained as a nurse in the late 70’s at the Children’s hospital in Sydney. I have two adult children and a beautiful granddaughter. I moved to the Sunshine Coast in Qld where I worked as a SNP pathology collector for nearly thirty years and as a designated trainer in collection for the last four years of that period. I commenced at SCUH in CSR as a pathology assistant over twelve months ago.
I was involved with Cert III Pathology Collection trainees as part of my work at SNP. They did their practical training with me, after their course completion.
The HLT37415 Certificate III in Pathology Assistance course was offered to me by Pathology Queensland. I saw it as a great opportunity to broaden my knowledge base in my new position as a pathology assistant.
I enjoyed the training very much. I feel it covered aspects of what I do on a day to day basis, as well as giving me an insight into the broader workings of the laboratory.
My favourite part of the course was the interactions with fellow students and the trainers.
I am continuing in my Clinical Assistant role at SCUH, recently being trained to assist in haematology. If future courses become available, I would be happy to do more.”
— Kathryn, HLT37415 Certificate III in Pathology Assistance workplace student