STEM education

At LTT, we understand the value of STEM education and aim to help our students become further engaged and educated in their chosen field. So, what is STEM? It’s the concept of educating those who are willing to learn in four separate disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Each of these disciplines are worthy in their own right, but are often combined to further careers and enhance skill sets.

The higher education courses that we offer at LTT all delve into at least one of the STEM learning areas, due to our focus on health, pathology, laboratory and building studies. We aim to arm our students with the knowledge and skills to improve their career paths and employment prospects, provide a pathway to further learning, and open them up to new areas and employment positions that they may not have previously discovered.

LTT’s training centre courses are modelled on STEM education, and we know the stats: up to 75% of the world’s fastest growing occupations will require STEM related skills and experience. Our courses in pathology collection require scientific and technological skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively. Laboratory work requires science, maths and technology combined with analytical thinking.

So, why not kickstart your career in a STEM field today?

Interested in pathology, lab work or health? Get in touch with LTT and talk to us about our range of training centre courses, which are available to those with pre-existing skills and training, and to those who are starting afresh.