“I have been a chiropractic assistant/receptionist, teacher assistant and student of Cranio Sacral Therapy in the past 10 years, as well as main carer for children.
I decided to enrol in the HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection at LTT Brisbane as they were very helpful when I made enquiries. The timing of the course worked for my timetable, and they provided the support and workplace connections to the pathology industry.
I thoroughly enjoyed the training. I found the content enjoyable to learn, my fellow students lovely and overall, my experience was a positive one.
I have now secured a job with 4Cyte Pathology where I am in my own bleed clinic which is open three mornings a week. This suits me well as I was only after part-time work.”
— Pene, HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection student