“I have a love for anything health and science related. Before starting LTT, I was studying a bachelor’s in nutrition. Whilst completing that, I decided I wanted to explore the health industry more and expand my options. Both a friend and l decided to study pathology and become pathology collectors! I enrolled in the HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection in October 2019. By the end of December, I had finished the theory aspect of the course
I had two lovely trainers, Kathie and Vaishali, who made the whole course so much more enjoyable. They were so fun to be around and explained everything so well.
The reviews sounded so promising and they all really lived up to expectation. LTT makes sure you have all the resources you need to gain a better understanding on the subject. From theory to practical work, it all worked hand in hand for me to fully understand everything.
Everything about the course was amazing. I made new friends, learnt so many awesome things and overall looked forward to the days I had classes!
My favourite part of the course would have to be all the practical work. I loved all the hands-on activities from the CPR training to the bleeds – it was all very memorable. The course was exactly what I imagined it to be and I loved every bit of it.
I gained employment shortly after completing the course. I am employed with Laverty as a Respiratory Collector at a COVID-19 drive-thru centre. Everything I learnt during the 12 weeks I have used in my work. There isn’t a single thing that wasn’t useful every piece of Information was vital and made all the difference. I definitely felt so prepared and confident.
Some of my daily tasks include, setting up the drive-thru before opening time, collecting the swab specimens from patients and ensuring everything is ready for the courier to take.
I find working during the pandemic very rewarding. I feel like an important part of the community and playing a part in reducing the spread of COVID-19. It has been stressful and hectic, but knowing that I’m doing the best I can to help people stay safe motivates me to keep doing what I do. ”
— Malak, HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection student