“I’m a 35 year old Mum and I was working as a childcare educator before enrolling at LTT Sydney. I heard good reviews about LTT from friends.
I enrolled in the HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection and Kathie Kenny was my trainer. She is one of the best trainers I’ve ever had. She was well informed with great experience and skills that she shared with us.
I enjoyed the entire course and my whole training experience. My favourite part of the course was the collection of blood and other specimens.
My work placement was fantastic, I had really friendly staff who encouraged me a lot throughout my placement.
My interview with Laverty Pathology went really well, they asked me questions about my skills and problem-solving abilities. Now that I have secured employment with Laverty, I want to continue improving my skills and knowledge about phlebotomy. I would like to learn about all the different tests and the departments in the laboratory. Maybe even more study in the future!”
— Kath, HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection student