“Before enrolling at LTT I’ve worked FIFO and hospitality. I heard about LTT through a friend who just graduated and is now working as a FIFO lab technician. I was interested to find out more about the FIFO lab opportunities.
I chose LTT as their MSL40118 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques course is so much shorter, plus I kept seeing jobs on SEEK from laboratories looking for LTT graduates!
I’ve only done chemistry and maths at high school, but I found the course great! I actually love maths. The course was really interactive and Sahar is an amazing Trainer. Sahar goes above and beyond to make sure we’re learning lab skills that will make us employable. My favourite part of the course was titration.
I went for a job interview at SGS. By the end of the interview, they offered me the position! I’m excited to start as they will be providing more lab training. ”
Gerald with his trainer, Sahar.