“I completed the HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection course at LTTV in Fitzroy and couldn’t be happier with the teaching process: the staff, the instructors, and the outcome. Ursula is an exceptional teacher, very thorough, knowledgeable, approachable and supportive.
I had never drawn blood before, but my technique was quickly established and I became quite confident as a result.
I highly recommend this course: it’s shorter than others, meaning you can be work-ready sooner; you receive training in all areas of pathology collection, and also in drug testing which is not offered by all providers and broadens your scope of employment. A week of work placement is arranged for you, which further increases your likelihood of finding work in the field.
They run other courses too - I’m already considering taking the MSL40118 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques course in the new year!”
— Evie Levens, HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection student