With the end of high school approaching, there are so many options available to school leavers. Do you keep studying? Go travelling? Start your career now? Don't panic. Having heaps of options is actually a good thing, because each of them can be considered a pathway to get you wherever it is you want to go.
Job opportunities and career progression is not solely determined by whether you choose VET or university, rather it will depend upon the subject you choose.
“University is for learning, VET is for earning” said Skills Minister, Michaela Cash recently at a business breakfast. According to the Joyce Report on Australia’s Vocational Education and Training System, VET graduates earn higher salaries and have better job prospects while spending less time and money getting qualifications. Government spokespeople highlight the VET sector as the better option for many people.
Senator Cash encouraged more people to take on VET qualifications like Diplomas, Certificates III and IV, and Advanced Diplomas, saying that “it’s a better path to a good income – since the skills taught in VET and TAFE are in high demand in Australia”.
VET offers courses, apprenticeships, and traineeships in over 500 careers, so whether you already know what your dream job looks like, or you’re waiting for inspiration to come, chances are a VET qualification can take you where you want to go.
The great thing about VET is there isn’t a typical day, campus or course. There is, however, freedom for you to discover flexible learning options and freedom to find a course and location that works for you and all of your requirements.
If you’re thinking about going to uni, visit Good Universities Guide for info on universities, open days and courses. Job Outlook is run by the Australian Government and provides info on the tasks, prospects, pathways and skills for specific job roles.
No matter what you decide, there is no wrong pathway - just do plenty of research! There are many ways to succeed. If you’re interested in pursuing vocational training, LTT specialise in laboratory operations and pathology collection training. With our dedicated and passionate trainers, LTT can help you discover the necessary skills required to pursue your dream career.