Industry best in laboratory and pathology collection training.
Explore career pathways:
For employers across australasia
Sector-specialised training delivered on-site in the workplace
Bespoke training
Whether a short course, single unit, or full qualification, customised training packages can be developed to suit workplace requirements and address identified skill gaps, with options to contextualise assessments to specific operational environments.
Matched to local funding opportunities
Our team are experienced in navigating Australia's complex funding environment on behalf of our clients. We build training proposals that reflect client requirements while incorporating the available government support, so clients can make informed decisions regarding workforce development investments.
On-demand support
Our support goes beyond training. We help NATA-accredited labs to mitigate ISO/IEC 17025 compliance risk and can play an integral part in client recruitment and retention of staff. Our detailed training and progression reports support decision making and laboratory compliance reporting. These reports are often used by clients to support their rankings in industry benchmarks, such as the S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Indices.
Ready-built sector specialisations
Most of our qualifications are available in a suite of compliant, industry-relevant, and work-oriented pre-packaged unit selections, tailored to reflect specialist processes for each sector.
Real-time progress tracking
Our clients can nominate access for their site supervisors, managers, HR and corporate teams. Users can track staff completion rates, view results, download training plans and more via our online portal using secure individual log ins.
Industry specialist trainers
In addition to higher degrees and vocational qualifications (including diploma, advanced diploma, master's and PhD level), our team of TAE-certified trainer assessors are equipped with years of field experience. Our trainers can provide unique insights into client operations and are able to offer expert support and guidance to students.
Our mission is to deliver:
Real learning for students,
commercial value for clients,
and expert guidance for industry.