MSL50122 Diploma of Laboratory Technology
This qualification is delivered by LTT Group Pty Ltd (RTO 51621) and develops capabilities in performing complex chemical property tests, applying spectrometric techniques, monitoring quality and more.
Approximately 12-48 months
Our training is competency based, and qualifications can be completed at a pace that suits the organisation and the individual. Training is delivered on-site in the workplace. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit transfer processes are available for eligible students.
Course fees depend on individual eligibility for government support. If you are unsure whether you qualify for a government supported training place, please contact our team on 1300 588 588. Credit transfers may reduce the course fee payable.
For students eligible for government support
$489.60 (approximate) - concession new worker traineeship
$1,652.40 (approximate) - non-concession new worker traineeship
$5,905.80 (approximate) - non-concession existing worker traineeship
This qualification is funded by the Government of Western Australia for students who meet the eligibility criteria under the Jobs and Skills WA program.
Fees are calculated based on nominal hours at a concession new worker rate of $0.48 per nominal hour, a non-concession new worker rate of $1.62 per nominal hour, and an existing worker rate of $5.79 per nominal hour.
An annual fee cap means that concession students and students under 25 years old will pay a maximum of $400 in a calendar year and non-concession students will pay a maximum of $1,200 in a calendar year.
For students not eligible for government support
$10,200 to $13,700 - fee for service student tuition fee range, dependent on specialisation
The student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as resource fees and other fees. Our refund policy can be viewed here. If a student receiving government funding wishes to withdraw from an enrolled course, written advice of withdrawal is required to ensure eligibility for a possible refund.
This information is provided for general information only. Please refer to the following resources:
A traineeship is the time spent learning a job (or vocation) under a formal training contract with the employer.
In most cases, a new entrant / new worker traineeship involves an employee who has been with the company for less than three months full-time or 12 months part-time or casual.
In most cases, an existing worker traineeship includes an employee who has been with the company for more than three months full-time or 12 months part-time or casual.
Eligibility is calculated on a case-by-case basis for individual employees. We will liaise on behalf of the employer with the relevant Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider to determine eligibility.
To provide a detailed ROI estimate, we require the following information for all relevant employees:
Date of birth
Previous qualification/s
Date of completion for previous qualification/s
Gross annual salary
Eligibility criteria apply and we cannot guarantee your business will qualify for government benefits.
Entry into this qualification is open to individuals who:
Hold a Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques, or
Hold a relevant Certificate IV or higher level qualification in a relevant science discipline, or
Can demonstrate equivalent skills and knowledge in a relevant science discipline to any of the above qualifications.
There are 18 total units of competency in this qualification.
5 core units:
MSL934008 Maintain instruments and equipment
MSL924005 Process and interpret data
MSL924006 Use laboratory application software
MSL934009 Apply quality system and continuous improvement processes
MSL935008 Monitor the quality of test results and data
13 elective units:
Dependent on stream - please see below
Streams can be customised to suit industry requirements.
Contact our industry engagement team on 1300 588 588 to request a personalised training partnership proposal.